Monday, December 28, 2009
Kind Countdown to 2010
I am still thinking about what I want to create in my life in 2010 and what will go on this year's vision board. (Lots of *dreams* came true in 2009, so I know the importance of setting the intention. I also know, however, that manifesting dreams requires action, determination, and willingness to risk - therefore, one must choose wisely.) Regardless of the details, I know that I want to be KIND...or should I say KINDER...or should I say LIVE KIND.
As I mentioned in an earlier post, I received Alicia Silverstone's new book The Kind Diet for Christmas. (Actually, I received it twice!). I have been inspired by both the book and her new website - The Kind Life). Alicia, Kris Carr (of Crazy Sexy Life), and other Superheros will share their tips for healthy living as part of a "21-Day Vegan Kickstart" hosted by the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine beginning on January 1. I have already signed up! The first step of many to a Kinder 2010.
Let the Kind Countdown begin.
Friday, December 25, 2009
Monday, December 21, 2009
Let it Snow!
In addition to looking out the window for much of the morning (as part of my self-imposed-snow-day), I did an in-home workout with resistance bands. I never tried them before, though several people have recommended them to me - especially for travel. I like these because they don't have plastic handles and are therefore easier to pack. Doesn't look like much, but they definitely did something because my muscles are now sore!! I guess that is a good thing! (Let me know if you have used resistance bands before and found them useful or can recommend any exercises or websites for a good workout.)
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
The Kind Diet
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Mac Food: Share the Love
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Cheesecake on a Mission Meets Pizza with a Mission
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
"You Don't Eat No Meat?!"
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Georgia: Sunrise, Wishes, and Supras
I ate raw pistachios as I watched the sunrise over Tbilisi, Georgia. I was told that this building once housed Georgian refugees from the war in Abkhazia (during the 1990s) and wondered what they too thought of the view. I am sure it was spectacular - even minus the bright light on the horizon - the Sameba (Trinity) Cathedral, which wasn't completed until 2004.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Fresh, Organic, Vegan, Airport Food
Let me introduce you to French Meadow Bakery and Cafe at the Minneapolis International Airport in Minnesota, USA. Not only did they carry organic salads and bottled juice drinks, but they had a variety of vegan treats.
I tried the Vegan Peanut Butter Rice Crispy Bar (same price as regular Peanut Butter Bar) and have to say that it was FANTASTIC.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
The Velvet Revolution: Celebrating a Milestone
Sunday, November 15, 2009
"Hello Bucharest, I'm so glad to be here!"
Monday, November 9, 2009
"The Wall is Gone"
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Packing Raw Food and Inspiration
"Do you have any restaurant recommendations?"
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Not Quite Composting
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Raw Inspiration: Marine Corps Marathon Day!!
It was a beautiful day for "The People's Marathon" in Washington, D.C. I love this event. Somehow it makes the city a little kinder...people smile a little more. Total strangers from all walks of life and from country-after-country join in to celebrate the human spirit - and what it takes to run 26.2 miles.
The runners in this photo have been at it for more than 6 hours already and are inching to the finish line. They are the ones who I really wanted to cheer on - since I was one of them myself in 2004. (That's another post.) Today I celebrate them and how winning (completing) does not always mean coming in first.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Attention Holiday Eaters!!!
Are you a “Holiday-Eve” shopper? Now is your chance to make a change – well in advance of any New Year’s Eve resolutions!
I recently purchased "Kristen Suzanne’s Easy Raw Vegan Holidays" un-cookbook. I took her advice and tried making “I Can’t Believe It's Raw” Pumpkin Pie and “Oktoberfest Raw German Chocolate Brownies” in advance of the coming season. In part, because I was skeptical. Having never baked a pie, I was not sure I could “un-bake” one either!
The results. See for yourself.
Testimonials from my non-raw, non-vegan co-workers:
“Can I have a second piece?”
“Would you bring more tomorrow?”
“How can THIS possibly be made of THAT?”
I KNOW!!!!!
My hat is off to you Kristen. Your little genius has made for a lot of smiles…and the holidays have not yet even begun!
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Ancient Greece and Rome: Lessons in Raw Beauty
My grandpa (who I loved – and still love dearly) passed away a little over a year ago. Oh, he taught me many things. Things about expecting the best in life, being open to love, appreciating your family, working hard…and harder still. He also taught me about letting go, when letting go is necessary in order to grow again. Of all the lessons he taught me, I had no idea he taught me about oil…
You see, at the age of 90 my grandpa had a full head of thick, black hair. Not a grey hair in sight. (He would always note this fact as one of his greater accomplishments, and who could blame him or disagree?) When I asked him for his secret, he simply said “baby shampoo.” (shhhhh)
But was there more? Something passed down through the Ages? Something learned, remembered, and then forgotten? Or, only forgotten by some?
As part of the Raw Lifestyle, I have quickly learned about the benefits of oil of all kinds. JoJoba Oil, Coconut Oil, Olive Oil…and the list goes on.
JoJoba Oil: Good for moisturizing the scalp, softening hands and feet, and my personal favorite – make-up removal.
Coconut Oil: Good for cooking, skin care (face moisturizer, natural sunscreen, body lotion, etc.), and hair conditioning. The uses are really endless. Do a google search. You will be amazed.
Olive Oil: Makes a great salad dressing and good for dipping bread, of course, but did you ever consider using olive oil as part of your beauty routine? Apparently, those living in Ancient Greece and Rome had this figured out, but I am just hearing about it now?!! (On a recent trip to Athens, I was introduced to “Traditional Pure Greek Olive Oil Soap.” I highly recommend.)
It appears that my great-grandmother (who came to the U.S. on a boat from Italy) also knew a thing or two about the value of olive oil. I just recently realized that my grandpa told me one time that she made him rub the oil on his scalp every day of his life because she said it was good for his hair.
Of course, maybe it’s an “old wives’ tale” and genetics alone blessed him, but then again…the Ancients were pretty wise.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
An Ounce of Preparation...
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Habit or Ritual?
How do you start your day when you want it to be a little extraordinary?
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Defying Gravity
Anyone who knows me knows that I love, love, LOVE the musical WICKED!!! I saw the performance in Germany, and it was THE BEST PERFORMANCE OF ANY KIND that I have EVER SEEN ANYWHERE!!!! In fact, it was so good that I wrote the cast a “thank-you letter” to express my sincere appreciation for the *MAGICAL* evening. I also bought the CD – both from the German performance that I saw and the English version by the original cast of Tony-award winning Idina Manzel (as Elphaba, the Wicked Witch) and Kristin Chenoweth (as Glinda, the Good Witch). Phenomenal. Raw talent to the extreme.
I mean, how can one not run faster on a treadmill when one is singing along with the following words?
“I am d-e-f-y-i-n-g gravity… And if I’m flying solo, at least I’m flying free. To those who’d ground me, take a message back from me. Tell them how I am defying gravity. I’m flying high defying gravity and soon I’ll match them in renown. And nobody in all of Oz, no wizard that there is or was, is ever gonna bring me down!!!!”
Sing for yourself and see how good it makes you feel.
What does this have to do with Raw Food? Just ask A Vegan on Stage. I made her awesome Elphaba (aka Elphie) Bars and can’t stop smiling, singing, or twirling around in my kitchen. See her recipe here. See also photo of my bars (with appropriate green suitcase in the background).
What do you do to Defy Gravity?
Monday, October 5, 2009
Art or Science?
Saturday, October 3, 2009
A Jewelry Reminder and Plan of Action
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Bangladesh and Girl Power
What better reason to eat raw food when it comes with such positive energy?