Sunday, October 10, 2010

Armenia: Today We Have Really Lived

He raised his glass and toasted us in turn. "Today we have really lived," he said.

I looked around the table, and he was right. The youngest was four. The oldest seventy-four. I realized as we clinked glasses that everyone there had made a contribution that day.

We had celebrated accomplishments.

We had given thanks.

We had shared amazing, homemade food. (Unexpected special vegan dishes made just for me - because they are like that with their generosity.)

We had remembered people who had come before us - 5,000 years before.

How did they move those stones? A castle long-since destroyed.

What and why did they write messages?

Did they really live too?

Shouldn't we say this every day?...and not only in a land far, far away...


The Robertsons of Mumbai said...

*Sigh* true! I promise to 'live' once the thesis is submitted. How's that?!

Travel Raw said...

Works for me! Good Luck!! ;-)

Britt said...

Your pictures are awesome! I'd like to travel as much as you get to -- but I'll try taking the live advice :)