The course was charted.
The runners were set to begin. The volunteers were in place (beginning at 5:45am!).
"I am 57," she said. "I was never a runner, but wanted to do something just for me. Therefore, I trained and entered the Cherry Blossom Ten-Miler."
When she came back to the Bag Tent later in the day to pick up her things - a medal around her neck and a BIG SMILE on her face - she said, "I feel so happy. I want to set a positive example for my grandson, and I think I have done that today." We all clapped. She deserved it - at least as much as the first place winner, I would say.
"What I have also learned from this," she said, "is that sometimes you must keep your dreams to yourself because even your loved ones may tell you that it is not possible. Sometimes you alone have to believe in yourself. That is enough."
I will remember her when I run this race next year...and maybe she will inspire you too?
Although you haven't seen me for a while, I have been running (and traveling), and trying new things...
...among them, Sun Warrior protein drinks. I like the chocolate with raw almond milk as an afternoon / post-workout snack and the natural flavor in my morning smoothie. I haven't yet tried the vanilla, but expect it would also be good.
So, I have been told that I need to update my blog more often! :) Good advice for a new beginning!